My caring recollections of growing up in a minuscule town in the Texas Panhandle rest the one and the same. I remind obedient ingenuous folks living there who knew and cared astir each otherwise. Good populace are fixed here today, but frequent discern incapacitated to be heard.
They are discomfited by a corrupt, tax subsidized town health centre and a quarter attorney who as a county executive spearheaded the design of the hospice neighbourhood in 1989.
Six old age ago, terminated 1000 citizens subscribed a subject matter interrogative for a forensic accounting system of the sanatorium subsequent to the loss of finished $600,000. The hospital floorboard neglected them. In 1995, other message near 200 names to move the decision maker was presented with the question, \\"How many another signatures will it payoff for the board to act?\\" One of the piece of wood members responded, \\"it didn\\'t situation how more because the committee doesn\\'t have to do anything.\\"
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If you reckon this sounds undemocratic, view that it requires more than than a bulk choice (5-7) to inferno the administrator, but a majority of 4 out of 7 votes can sale the infirmary. Can you visualize Donald Trump owning a business next to a lath of directors forced to provide a failed commercial earlier onset the principal body serviceman.
This mad tale doesn\\'t break off present. Six years ago in attendance was a involvement to scabbard up the evil doing of toddler smut committed by the principal pecuniary military officer at the medical building. He gave a written despair and was post-free complete $11,000 when he departed. Over a year next it was revealed to the section professional how the 5 photos were sealed in an container and locked up. This deviant was brought rearmost to research in October 2003. The good old boys led by the district professional person ill-treated his hand beside a $1000 dusty for exercise of a computer, $278 trial damage and a 3 yr test period. This feverish man quick returned to his job at the Austin State Hospital wherever a section of up to 12 period old adolescents are housed. ln July 2005, another hand at the Austin State Hospital according seeing youngster porn on the computing device silver screen in the pervert\\'s office.
Incredibly, the ASH chief trade and industry man settled not to do anything. The employee underneath chance of losing his job went straight to the Austin Police. Finally, on November 30, 2006 this degenerate was convicted and dispatched to prison house for 15 time of life. The employee is existence considered for a Distinguished Service Award for his larger-than-life act. If the employee had not acted, this young person porno sicko would inactive be available and practical in the State of Texas Health System for God knows how drawn-out.
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The hospital administrator and research worker from my town testified in the Travis County room. Under oath, the infirmary administrator declared that the medical wing attorney contacted the dominion professional person at the clip the youth smut was unconcealed. The district attorney\\'s investigator declared no one in the area attorney\\'s office knew more or less the nipper smut until terminated a year subsequently when 10 citizens met next to the division lawyer about difficulties at the infirmary. He vanished out that near were 3 doctors and 4 prehistorical sheet branch in the gathering.
Now it appears the region attorney may have been up to his neck in the stab to veil up the hideous offence of a pervert. This region attorney\\'s assumed name is \\"Boss\\". This was saved out on his capture evidence next a striking hit and run DWI in May, 2005. The period was widely airy on Amarillo broadcasting stations. It was difficult sighted the people\\'s lawyer man pulled out his transport and onto the earth wherever shackle were settled on him. What wasn\\'t shown was the 30 teeny elegance cam of law solicitation him to get out of the car and sooner or later resorting to give a sideways chalice to fish out him. The female parent of the young girl who was hit by the \\"Boss\\" filed a request subscribed by completed 800 individuals to expurgate the DA from bureau to no service.
A yr later, \\"Boss\\" was found ingestion beer in the courthouse room lot. The Sheriff\\'s buzz declared intoxication and explained how one of the jailers drove the DA and his friend house. Later, the lawman was pink-slipped when he denaturized his narrative in structure of the \\"Boss\\".
Next it was unconcealed the \\"Boss\\" miraculously had a speckless register with the Texas Department of Public Safety a year subsequent to his conviction. How could this arise when the \\"Boss\\" more often than not convicts pitch-black ribbon inhabitants whose files are on time transmitted to DPS in 2 years to a hebdomad and they go weighed down with sophisticated protection damage.
It was seemly clearer and the describe \\"Boss\\" was fashioning more suffer. The nighttime of the DWI, the adjudicator let the DA go short disbursement the period of time in sentence to prison and \\"Boss\\" didn\\'t lug the bodily function or body fluid mental measurement he is committed to continue. The law reported to \\"Boss\\" doesn\\'t use to him close to it does to others.
This anecdote doesn\\'t end here. One of the doctors in the team of 10 citizens who complained to \\"Boss\\" more or less the rest home in 2001 had a substance in the doctor\\'s business office to free the \\"Boss\\" in 2005. This surgeon has been in pattern for 20 time of life. He has a big heart and has helped indigent patients who couldn\\'t afford some other doctors and was the dr. for a 60 patient attention dwelling.
Several months ago the medical doctor below depression done his wife\\'s extermination and failed wellness took a move of fantasy and hired a nurse professional to be in that for his patients. He concluded her when he returned to his trial. The caregiver practician complained and one way or another \\"Boss\\" pulled her and new force of the medical practitioner into a grand body hearing.
\\"Boss\\" utilized the threat of active to intern to anxiety the doctor of medicine into surrendering his learned profession official document and acceptive a $7,500 fabulous and a 3 year trial period. All this was done since near was an bill of indictment of the well behaved md. It was all almost a greyish section of some empty prescriptions signed by the medical doctor.
I reason if \\"Boss\\" ever musing of combat of zing as a ground to disqualify himself from prosecuting the gp.
Compare the price of the good physician to the deviate. The \\"Boss\\" awarded a request agreement to a deviant of $1000 fine, $278 assembly damage and a 3 twelvemonth trial period. He politically persecuted and derelict a medical doctor who served the open for 20 years. The \\"Boss\\" created a tight void in the negligible town which port the doctor\\'s poverty-stricken and superior citizen patients in a stagger.
What\\'s happened to correctitude in my hometown? Those in ability have no persona or modesty. Their activity is null yet they human action in power, cold-shoulder and propagate to feed off the taxpayers. These unblushing acts have burnt hope and expectancy. Many good, clad nation in my town do not answer out in obsession of beingness targeted by the \\"Boss\\".
This is a sad observations for diminutive town America where political theory is anyone worn.